Plan ahead: Seating Plans and effective behaviour management will help keep pupils and staff safe

Save teachers time & reduce workload with our data rich seating plans. Improve pupil behaviour with our fast and effective behaviour management.

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Outstanding classroom management

Instant seating plans

The seating plans reduce your teachers' workload and ensure they are always aware of key pupil data for differentiation.'

Fast behaviour management

Our behaviour management is quick and simple to use. Monitor and motivate pupils with achievement and behaviour points in 2 easy clicks.

Beautiful behaviour analytics

Instant reports for teachers, form tutors, pastoral teams and SLT. Sharable with parents and pupils via our apps.

Connects with SIMS, Integris, CMIS and more

Easy for teachers, Powerful for SLT

Class Charts has been designed by a teacher with 16 years of experience in the classroom. We know how important it is that software is simple and easy to use for your teaching team and understand the need for SLT to have a powerful reporting engine which gives them the information they need in seconds.


improvement in Ofsted

100% of our schools who were Ofsted rated Requires Improvement for Personal development, behaviour and welfare improved to Good at their next inspection.


increase in positive points

Class Charts is so easy to use that we see an increase in achievement points of over 400% once a school comes on board.


reduction in fixed term exclusions

Talk to us about how Acklam Grange School reduced their fixed term exclusions from 4 per week to just 2 in total for the whole year.


of time saved per teacher per year

Based on a teacher having 10 classes and changing their seating plan once per term the time saving is obvious and increases further with our behaviour management.


Unique to class Charts, "Influences" makes the best of the data inputted by those who know your pupils best. We suggest seating plans based on the historical effect pupils have on each others behaviours, development and progress.

How it works

We love what we do and think you will too! Watch this video for an overview of how we roll.

See how Class Charts works

Why do so many schools use Class Charts?

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Let us show you how to save time, reduce teachers' workload and remove the big barriers to learning! Join over 180,000 other teachers already using Class Charts.

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